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ComfyUI- A Powerful GUI for Stable Diffusion Workflows

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ComfyUI: A Powerful GUI for Stable Diffusion Workflows

Are you interested in creating advanced stable diffusion workflows without needing to code? Look no further than ComfyUI, a powerful and modular stable diffusion GUI and backend. With its intuitive graph/nodes/flowchart based interface, ComfyUI allows you to design and execute complex stable diffusion pipelines with ease.


ComfyUI comes with a wide range of features that make it a versatile tool for stable diffusion workflows. Here are some of its key features:

  • Nodes/Graph/Flowchart Interface: Experiment and create complex stable diffusion workflows without the need for coding.
  • Support for SD1.x, SD2.x, and SDXL: ComfyUI fully supports different versions of Stable Diffusion.
  • Asynchronous Queue System: Execute workflows efficiently with ComfyUI's asynchronous queue system.
  • Optimizations: ComfyUI only re-executes the parts of the workflow that have changed, saving time and resources.
  • Compatibility with GPUs: ComfyUI can work on GPUs with less than 3GB VRAM using the --lowvram command line option. It also works on CPUs with the --cpu option.
  • Model/Checkpoint Loading: Load ckpt, safetensors, diffusers models/checkpoints, standalone VAEs, and CLIP models.
  • Embeddings/Textual Inversion: Use embeddings and textual inversion in your workflows.
  • Wide Range of Workflow Examples: ComfyUI comes with various workflow examples, including Loras, Hypernetworks, Area Composition, Inpainting, ControlNet and T2I-Adapter, Upscale Models, unCLIP Models, GLIGEN, and Model Merging.

For a more detailed overview of ComfyUI's features, you can check out the ComfyUI Examples page.

Installing ComfyUI

To install ComfyUI, you have several options depending on your operating system:


For Windows users, there is a portable standalone build available on the releases page. Simply download the release, extract it using 7-Zip, and run the executable. Make sure to put your Stable Diffusion checkpoints/models in the designated folder.

Colab Notebook

If you prefer running ComfyUI on Colab or Paperspace, you can use the provided Colab Notebook. The notebook provides step-by-step instructions on how to run ComfyUI on these platforms.

Manual Install (Windows, Linux)

For more advanced users, you can manually install ComfyUI by cloning the repository and installing the necessary dependencies. Make sure to put your SD checkpoints in the appropriate folder. Detailed instructions for manual installation can be found in the repository's documentation.

Running ComfyUI

Once installed, you can run ComfyUI by executing the script. Depending on your system and GPU, you may need to specify additional command line options. The documentation provides detailed information on running ComfyUI on different platforms.


ComfyUI is a powerful GUI for creating and executing stable diffusion workflows. With its user-friendly interface and extensive features, it is an excellent tool for both beginners and advanced users in the field of AI. Whether you want to experiment with stable diffusion or create complex workflows, ComfyUI has you covered. Give it a try and see how it can enhance your AI projects.

To learn more about ComfyUI and explore its capabilities, visit the ComfyUI GitHub repository.